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Find out more about the key focus areas addressed by the flourishing doc, including happiness, flourishing, languishing, positive psychology, and self-leadership - as well as its founder, Dr Maike Neuhaus.

Happy and confindent woman laughing in nature.

What is happiness?

Spoiler alert: It's not just a matter of feeling good

Learn about the concepts of hedonic and eudaimonic happiness & why it is important to cultivate both in life.

Flourishing women laughing and hugging

What is flourishing?

Find out about this key aspect of mental health

We used to think that mental health is simply the absence of mental illness. Now we know that is INSANE and merely half of the picture.

Languishing woman on autopilot looking sad

What is languishing?

How to identify if you're languishing and what to do if you are

Languishing can be described as having a lack of direction, a sense of apathy and stagnation, and a deep knowing you are not operating at your full capacity.

Thriving man looking happy, content and satisfied with life

What is positive psychology?

Is it really just a happiology?

Positive psychology research scientifically answers the questions 'What makes life worth living?' and 'How can we flourish and live life to the fullest?'

Happy professional doing self-leadership online course

What is self-leadership?

Welcome to the ultimate self-influence

If flourishing answers the question of WHAT you need in order to be happy, self-leadership tells you HOW to get there.​

Leadership professional receiving flourishing and self-leadership coaching

What is coaching?

How does it work and why is it so effective?

Coaching is a process in which a coach guides the coachee to gain clarity, identify goals, roadblocks and resources.

Dr Maike Neuhaus aka the flourishing doc positive psychology practitioner and self-leadership coach

About Dr Maike Neuhaus

Find out more about her story, drive and credentials

Dr Maike Neuhaus is the founder of the flourishing doc. However, her journey here wasn't all roses and butterflies.

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