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Friends laughing together; social wellbeing and flourishing

Realise your potential & create impacts that excite you!

Are you flourishing?

You are driven, maybe even 'have it all', and yet you find yourself languishing, feeling stuck, uninspired by life and wondering 'IS THIS IT'?
Your team is disengaged and not performing to their highest potential?

I help people and organisations understand what humans need to flourish, create mental wellbeing and be deeply happy, so that they can find their flow and lust for life, realise their potential, and create impacts that excite them.

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Does this sound familiar?

You have it all: a good job, a family, the house with the white picket fence.

You've basically ticked nearly every box on your bucket list for life. And yet somehow, you're not as happy as you thought you would be by now. You've been working hard to create a good life for yourself, but somehow find yourself wondering if there's more to life or if this is it for the next couple of decades until it's all over. Midlife crisis comes to mind.

You feel like you're on autopilot more often than not: coffee, work, sleep – repeat.

You'd describe yourself as a mix of functioning machine and living zombie. You feel 'blah' or 'meh' - in other words, you're languishing (the opposite of flourishing). Excitement for life, deep fulfillment and purposeful living are things you'd love to experience, but at the moment feel rather distant.

You feel stuck. There’s something you know you should be doing, but have been unable to do.

Whether this is looking after yourself by living a healthier lifestyle, such as exercising regularly or eating better, take charge of your career and finally do work that you love, or getting on top of your wealth, so you can do more of the things that excite you. Somewhere along the pathway of life you got stuck where you currently are. And while you’ve known that something needs to change for a while, you haven’t been able to make it happen, no matter how often you’ve tried.

Or maybe you feel like something is missing. You feel uninspired, flat and unmotivated.

You know you’re not living to your full potential, but you’re feeling confused about what to change and how. Somehow your life has taken a trajectory you never really planned or wanted, but you just don’t know where to start in order to create the life that excites you. You feel overwhelmed by all the things you could and should be doing and can’t see the forest for the trees.

You know that if you keep going this way, the problem won’t solve itself.

In fact, it will probably get worse. You know that you are capable of so much more than this and you know that you are wasting your potential. You know it’s time to change this once and for all, but you don’t know where to start and how to make it happen.

The good news is that there is actually a ton of research that tells us exactly what we need in order to flourish - and how to get there.


"Maike worked with myself and the BPS Careers Team to support with the BPS' inaugural Psychology Careers Festival in October/November 2022. After an initial conversation Maike kindly agreed to be one of our opening and keynote speakers to kick off the programme of events. The talk Maike delivered was perfectly pitched to our audience of UK psychology students and graduates and tailored to the UK psychology market with a lot of nuances which resonated with them. Maike spoke with passion and authenticity, speaking about her own journey and career and provided some inspiring advice for those interested in psychology and positive psychology. It was a real pleasure to listen to Maike speak.

In the run up to the event Maike supported us with social media and was breeze to work with in getting things organised. It really helped to bolster numbers to her talk. I wouldn't think twice of inviting Maike back to speak to our audience again and cannot recommend her enough. Thank you Maike!"

 - James Goodwin, Careers Manager, The British Psychological Society, UK - 

My Offer

Below are the links to the key services and resources I offer to help you realise your potential and thrive.

Reading flourishing and self-leadership ebook
Completing online course in flourishing and self-leadership by the flourishing doc
Dr Maike Neuhaus conducting a flourishing and self-leadership coaching session


I offer various ebooks and workbooks on the topics of flourishing and self-leadership. All evidence-based but written jargon-free, these are a great low-cost option to get you started.


Online courses are a great means to dive deeper into verious topics from my signature course FRESH START to finding deep happiness, or realising your full potential.


If you're ready to take action and would like a helping hand identifying what exactly it is that you need, where to start, and how to make it all happen, coaching is your best option.

All humans have an innate need to live a meaningful life, realise their potential & be deeply happy

And if you’re reading these lines, you might be hoping for a more flourishing life, too. Unfortunately, happiness isn’t (yet) taught at school and research shows that we don’t intuitively understand what we need in order to thrive in life, which leaves many of us in a place of feeling stuck, directionless, and languishing.

I believe it’s never too late to grab life with both hands and start living fully. I also understand that gaining clarity of what we personally need and want, and making corresponding life changes can seem daunting and challenging, which is why I’m here to support you.

You can book a free call with me now to chat about where you’re at and what a great next step could look like for you. In the meantime, grab my free happiness guide to get you started on your journey from languishing and stuckness to flourishing and feeling alive.

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